Content is King

Are you on Facebook? If not, are you on Instagram or Twitter? Maybe Snapchat and Tiktok.

There’s a social media platform for everyone these days and they’re all filled with a variety of communities so there’s always something for someone. So, how do you get noticed online when there’s so much to explore?

The best thing you can do is show people what you do! Post photos, videos, or blogs about your services. It will let clients see your work and ask questions.

When you’re in business it’s a no-brainer that you’ll want to be online. Most companies have their own social media accounts that brand-loyal followers have a place to get information. But for newcomers, you need to cut through the feed and stand out amongst competitors.

To do this, remember that content is king, on every platform digital or physical. People are always going to be more interested in what you have to offer if you can show it to them from the comfort of their homes. Let them get familiar with you by posting daily so you become a regular part of their social media scroll.

Creating original content every week can seem daunting at first but there are ways to make it easier. Keep messages you post light and less wordy. A picture is worth a thousand words and is easier to share on most platforms. Then leave thoughtful messages on others’ posts and interact with your followers to create a connection between you. You can also automate all of your social media using Automatic Social Media

Videos are also a great way to show off. Don’t be shy, get creative! Have fun with videos by asking your audience what they would like to see and tailor it to their interests. In fact, Youtube is the world’s second most-used search engine. So, if you want to boost your SEO, consider getting your informational content out there.
However, not everything needs to be about your business. Even if the content does not directly relate to your product have fun with the latest trends whenever you can. People will become interested in what you do before they even figure out what you do.

Remember, Social Media is your friend. Take a moment to look at your Facebook feed to determine what posts you find entertaining or insightful. This can give you ideas on how you should run your own pages. If you’re interested in creating your own content or need help setting up your social media accounts, give us a call!

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